

博大论坛338讲预告:Asymptotic behavior for Nonlinear Schrodinger System(非线性薛定谔系统的渐近行为)

来源:科技学院 作者:编辑:薛海丹时间:2018-05-15

主 题:Asymptotic behavior for Nonlinear Schrodinger System (非线性薛定谔系统的渐近行为)
  苏一鸣, 浙江工业大学讲师,研究领域:非线性色散方程的渐进行为。于 2016.2-2017.2到不列颠哥伦比亚大学访问。目前主持过浙江省和国家自然科学基金2项。
  In this talk, we are concerned with the dynamics of the nonlinear Schrodinger system in the mass critical and subcritical setting. First, we construct finite time blow-up solutions with each component concentrating at different points in the mass critical setting. Second, we construct global solutions asymptotic to multi-solitary waves with different speeds in the mass subcritical and critical setting.
时 间: 5月17日(周四)15:00-16:00
地 点:品C214
主 办:科技学院